The Walking Dead Season 7 Episode 15 Something They Need

The Walking Dead: Something They Need – Beach Bums, Savior Schemes, and a Bullet for Negan (Season 7, Episode 15)

The Walking Dead: Something They Need – Beach Bums, Savior Schemes, and a Bullet for Negan (Season 7, Episode 15)

Originally aired: March 26, 2017.1 10.54 million viewers tuned in for this penultimate episode of Season 7. Written by Corey Reed and directed by Michael Slovis.

Oceanside: The Secret Weapon (That Rick’s About to Steal):

“Something They Need” picks up with Rick and the gang on a mission to acquire more weapons for their upcoming war with the Saviors. They’ve got their sights set on Oceanside, the hidden community of women that Tara discovered earlier in the season. But this time, they’re not asking nicely.

Key Plot Points:

  • Oceanside Raid: “Sorry Ladies, But We Need Your Guns”: Rick, Michonne, Tara, and the others head to Oceanside, determined to get their hands on the community’s weapons stockpile. Tara, who’s still feeling guilty about betraying Oceanside’s trust, tries to convince them to join the rebellion peacefully.2 But Rick, ever the pragmatist, knows that time is of the essence, and he’s not afraid to use a little bit of force (and a lot of distraction tactics) to get what he needs. Rick Grimes: the leader who’s not afraid to bend the rules (or break a few windows) to achieve his goals.
  • Cyndie’s Choice: Loyalty vs. Survival: Cyndie, the Oceanside resident who befriended Tara, is torn between her loyalty to her community and her desire to help Rick’s group. She knows that the Saviors are a threat to everyone, and she ultimately decides to help Tara and the others, even if it means going against her own people. Cyndie: the woman who’s not afraid to stand up for what’s right (even if it means defying her own community).!
  • Sasha’s Behind Enemy Lines: The Prisoner Who Plays the Game: Sasha, who’s been captured by the Saviors after her failed attempt to assassinate Negan, is trying to make the best of a bad situation. She pretends to be considering Negan’s offer to join his ranks, but she’s secretly plotting to use her position to help Rick and the others. Sasha Williams: the warrior who’s playing a dangerous game of deception.
  • Eugene’s Visit: The Pawn in Sasha’s Plan: Eugene, who’s now fully embraced his role as Negan’s “Dr. Smartypants,” visits Sasha in her cell. He tries to convince her to join the Saviors, but Sasha sees an opportunity. She manipulates Eugene, asking him for a weapon to “end it all,” hinting at her suicidal intentions. But her real plan is to use the weapon to escape or to help Rick’s group when they attack the Sanctuary. Sasha Williams: the strategist who’s always one step ahead.
  • Gregory’s Betrayal: The Cowardly Leader Strikes Again: Back at the Hilltop, Gregory, the spineless leader who’s always looking out for himself, contemplates betraying Maggie and the others to the Saviors. He’s afraid of Negan’s wrath, and he’s willing to sacrifice his own people to save his own skin. Gregory: the leader who needs a lesson in loyalty (and maybe a one-way ticket to the walker pit).!
  • The Rebellion Grows Stronger: Guns, Guts, and Glory: With Oceanside’s weapons secured, Rick and the group are one step closer to launching their rebellion against the Saviors. They’re gathering allies, stockpiling weapons, and preparing for the fight of their lives. The survivors: they’re not just fighting for their own survival anymore; they’re fighting for the future of humanity.

Themes and Meanings:

  • Diplomacy vs. Force: The Art of Negotiation (and a Little Bit of Theft): The raid on Oceanside highlights the ethical dilemmas that the survivors face in the apocalypse. Tara wants to use diplomacy and persuasion to win them over, but Rick believes that time is of the essence, and they can’t afford to risk a drawn-out negotiation. Their actions raise questions about the morality of taking what you need, even if it means using force. The apocalypse: it’s a world where the ends sometimes justify the means.
  • Sacrifice: The Price of Freedom: Sasha’s willingness to put herself in harm’s way to help the rebellion shows her courage and her commitment to the cause. She’s not afraid to sacrifice herself for the greater good, and her actions inspire others to fight for their freedom. Sasha Williams: the warrior who’s ready to give her life for a better world.
  • Leadership: The Importance of Trust: Gregory’s cowardly behavior and his potential betrayal of the Hilltop community underscore the dangers of weak leadership in the apocalypse. True leaders inspire trust, loyalty, and the willingness to fight for a common goal. Gregory’s actions pave the way for Maggie’s rise as a leader, as she proves her strength, compassion, and ability to unite her people. Leadership: it’s not about power; it’s about responsibility.

Little Details You Might Have Missed:

  • Cyndie’s decision to help Tara, even though it means going against her community’s wishes, shows her compassion and her belief in the importance of fighting for what’s right. She’s a potential ally for the rebellion, and her actions suggest that Oceanside might eventually join the fight against the Saviors. Cyndie: the woman who’s not afraid to stand up for what she believes in.
  • Sasha’s manipulation of Eugene to get a weapon is a clever and strategic move. She’s using her intelligence and her knowledge of Eugene’s personality to get what she needs, even while she’s a prisoner of the Saviors. Sasha Williams: the woman who’s always got a plan (even when she’s locked in a cell).!
  • Gregory’s reference to the Hilltop’s geography and his knowledge of its layout foreshadow his potential betrayal. He’s clearly thinking about ways to escape or to collaborate with the Saviors, and his actions put the Hilltop community at risk. Gregory: the man who’s always looking for the back door.

Stats and Stuff:

  • Walker Kills: 20+ (the survivors are still keeping those walker-slaying skills sharp).
  • Human Deaths: None (but the tension is building).
  • Survivor Count: Stable, but the stakes are higher than ever.

My Final Verdict:

“Something They Need” is a thrilling and suspenseful episode that sets the stage for an explosive season finale. The raid on Oceanside, Sasha’s capture, and the growing tensions within the communities all contribute to the sense of anticipation and dread. This episode is a reminder that the fight for freedom is not going to be easy, and the survivors are going to have to make sacrifices and take risks if they want to defeat Negan and the Saviors. What did you think of the episode? Were you surprised by Gregory’s betrayal? Let’s discuss in the comments!

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