The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 10 Stalker

The Walking Dead: Stalker – Beta’s Basement Break-In, Daryl’s Close Call, and Judith’s Got Nerves of Steel (Season 10, Episode 10)

The Walking Dead: Stalker – Beta’s Basement Break-In, Daryl’s Close Call, and Judith’s Got Nerves of Steel (Season 10, Episode 10)

Originally aired: March 1, 2020. Viewership ticked up slightly to 2.93 million, proving that the Whisperers were still keeping viewers on the edge of their seats! Written by Jim Barnes and directed by Bronwen Hughes.

Alexandria: Where the Walls Can’t Keep Out the Crazy (Part 2):

“Stalker” picks up with the aftermath of the Whisperers’ ultimatum and the growing paranoia within Alexandria. The survivors are on high alert, but they’re about to learn that the enemy is closer than they think, and that even the safest of havens can be infiltrated.

Key Plot Points:

  • Beta’s Basement Boogie: “Surprise, Alexandrians!”: Beta, the Whisperers’ hulking and terrifying second-in-command, launches a stealth attack on Alexandria. He uses a secret underground tunnel system (because, of course, there are secret tunnels) to infiltrate the community and starts picking off unsuspecting residents one by one. His silent and brutal attacks create a sense of panic and fear, as the Alexandrians realize that they’re not as safe as they thought they were. Beta: the Whisperer who’s got more tricks up his sleeve than a magician at a zombie convention.
  • Gamma’s Plea: “Trust Me, I’m a Whisperer (But Not Really)”: Gamma, the Whisperer who’s been having second thoughts about Alpha’s leadership, arrives at Alexandria with a warning. She tells the survivors about Alpha’s plan to attack the communities and reveals the location of the walker horde. But her claims are met with skepticism, as the Alexandrians have been betrayed before (remember Dante?). Gabriel, who’s now a hardened and pragmatic leader, interrogates Gamma, trying to determine if she’s telling the truth. Gamma: the Whisperer who’s trying to redeem herself (and maybe save a few lives along the way).!
  • Daryl vs. Alpha: The Ultimate Showdown (in the Woods): Daryl, who’s been tracking the Whisperers, finally catches up with Alpha and a small group of her followers. He ambushes them, and a brutal fight ensues. Daryl and Alpha are both skilled fighters, and they’re both driven by a desire to protect their people (and maybe a little bit of vengeance). The fight is intense and bloody, with both of them sustaining serious injuries. Daryl manages to escape, but Alpha is hot on his trail, taunting him and using her pain as a twisted source of strength. Daryl and Alpha: the ultimate battle of wills.
  • Judith Grimes: The Kid Who Saved the Day: While Beta is wreaking havoc in Alexandria, Judith, bless her brave little heart, steps up to protect her community. She’s got her father’s gun, her mother’s katana, and a whole lot of courage. She helps to defend Alexandria against Beta’s attack, showing her resourcefulness and her leadership potential. Judith Grimes: the future of the apocalypse (and maybe the only one who can stop the Whisperers).!

Themes and Symbolism:

  • Trust: The Double-Edged Sword: Gamma’s attempt to warn the Alexandrians and their reluctance to trust her highlight the complexities of trust in the apocalypse. It’s a world where betrayal is common, and the survivors have learned the hard way that not everyone can be trusted. But trust is also essential for building alliances and working together to survive. The Walking Dead: where trust is a gamble (and the stakes are high).!
  • Pain: The Whisperers’ Twisted Philosophy: Alpha’s belief that pain makes you stronger is a central theme in this episode. She embraces her own pain and uses it as a way to motivate her followers and intimidate her enemies. Her confrontation with Daryl, where she refuses to let her injuries slow her down, is a chilling reminder of the Whisperers’ twisted worldview. The Whisperers: they’re not just survivors; they’re masochists.
  • Leadership: The Two Sides of the Coin: Gabriel’s ruthless interrogation of Gamma and Judith’s courageous defense of Alexandria show the different facets of leadership in the apocalypse. Gabriel is embracing a more pragmatic and hardened approach, while Judith is still holding onto the hope for a better future and the belief in the power of compassion. Leadership: it’s a balancing act between protecting your people and preserving your humanity.

Little Details You Might Have Missed:

  • Beta’s infiltration of Alexandria through the underground tunnels is a symbolic moment. He emerges from the darkness, surrounded by corpses, like a creature from a horror movie. It’s a chilling reminder that the Whisperers are everywhere, and they can strike at any moment. Beta: the boogeyman who’s hiding under your bed (or maybe in your basement).!
  • Gamma’s nervous fidgeting and her emotional vulnerability during her imprisonment show the psychological toll that Alpha’s leadership has taken on her. She’s starting to realize that the Whisperers’ way of life is not sustainable, and she’s yearning for a different kind of community. Gamma: the Whisperer who’s ready to break free.
  • Judith’s interactions with the younger survivors, where she comforts them and offers them guidance, show her natural leadership qualities and her compassion for others. She’s a reminder that even in the darkest of times, there’s still hope for the future, and the next generation might just be the one to build a better world. Judith Grimes: the leader the apocalypse needs.

Key Character Moments:

  • Gabriel’s transformation into a hardened and ruthless leader is a shocking development. He’s always been a man of faith and compassion, but the events of the past few seasons have changed him. He’s now willing to make tough choices, even if it means sacrificing his own moral code. Gabriel: the priest who’s become a warrior.
  • Alpha’s unwavering resolve, even when she’s injured and facing death, shows her strength and her commitment to her twisted philosophy. She’s a formidable enemy, and the survivors are going to have to be at their best to defeat her. Alpha: the queen who’s not afraid to bleed (or make others bleed).!
  • Beta’s imposing presence and his silent brutality make him one of the most terrifying villains in “The Walking Dead” universe. He’s a force of nature, and his loyalty to Alpha is unwavering. Beta: the muscle who’s always ready to throw a punch (or a walker).!

Stats and Stuff:

  • Viewer Ratings: 2.93 million viewers (the Whisperer War is still a ratings hit!).
  • Critical Reception: 8.6/10 on IMDb (critics and fans are loving the tension and the horror!).
  • Kill Count: Beta (5 Alexandrians), Daryl (3 Whisperers) (the body count is rising).

My Final Verdict:

“Stalker” is a tense and terrifying episode that plunges the survivors into the heart of the Whisperer War. Beta’s infiltration of Alexandria, Daryl’s bloody showdown with Alpha, and Judith’s courageous defense of her community all contribute to the drama and suspense of the episode. This is “The Walking Dead” at its most thrilling and unsettling, reminding us that even in a world filled with walkers, the human threat can be just as dangerous, if not more so. What did you think of the episode? Were you scared by Beta’s attack? Let’s discuss in the comments!

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