The Walking Dead Season 8 Episode 7 Time for After

The Walking Dead: Time for After – Eugene’s Crisis, Daryl’s Gamble, and Rick’s Got a New Trash-Loving Army (Season 8, Episode 7)

The Walking Dead: Time for After – Eugene’s Crisis, Daryl’s Gamble, and Rick’s Got a New Trash-Loving Army (Season 8, Episode 7)

Originally aired: December 3, 2017. 7.47 million viewers tuned in for this character-driven episode. Written by Matthew Negrete and directed by Larry Teng.

The Sanctuary: Where the Walls Are Closing In (and the Walkers Are Lining Up):

“Time for After” takes us back to the Sanctuary, where the Saviors are still reeling from Rick’s attack and the walker infestation. But the real drama is happening inside the walls, as Eugene struggles with his allegiance to Negan, Dwight continues his double-agent act, and Daryl’s about to unleash a plan that could change everything.

Key Plot Points:

  • Eugene’s Moral Hangover: “What Have I Become?”: Eugene, who’s been living the good life (relatively speaking) at the Sanctuary, is starting to have second thoughts about his decision to join the Saviors. He’s still got a soft spot for his old friends, and he’s not entirely comfortable with Negan’s brutal methods. But he’s also terrified of what Negan might do to him if he betrays him. Eugene Porter: the man who’s caught between a rock and a hard place (and maybe a jar of pickles).!
  • Dwight’s Double Life: The Savior Who’s Playing Both Sides: Dwight, who’s been secretly helping Rick’s group, continues his risky game of deception. He’s trying to undermine the Saviors from within, but he’s also walking a tightrope, as Negan is always watching. Eugene discovers Dwight’s betrayal, but he chooses to keep quiet, fearing for his own safety and maybe even recognizing a kindred spirit in Dwight. Dwight: the man who’s got more secrets than a lockbox.
  • Rick’s Trash-tastic Deal: “We’ve Got a Deal (As Long as You Can Kill This Spiky Walker)”: Rick, who’s still imprisoned by the Scavengers, is put to the test (again). Jadis, the enigmatic leader of the trash-loving crew, wants to see if he’s still got what it takes to be a warrior. She throws him into a pit with a walker wearing a helmet made of spikes (because that’s how they do things in the junkyard). Rick, being the badass that he is, manages to defeat the walker and emerge victorious. Jadis, impressed by his skills (and maybe his ability to rock a trash-chic outfit), finally agrees to join the fight against the Saviors. Rick Grimes: the man who can negotiate with anyone (even a trash queen).!
  • Daryl’s Demolition Derby: “Ramming Speed!”: Daryl, frustrated with the slow progress of the war and eager to avenge the deaths of his friends, comes up with a risky plan. He wants to ram a truck into the Sanctuary, breach the walls, and let the walkers flood in. Rosita, who’s usually gung-ho about fighting the Saviors, is hesitant about this plan, fearing that it’s too reckless and could put everyone in danger. But Daryl, fueled by grief and anger, is determined to see it through. Daryl Dixon: the man who’s not afraid to take matters into his own hands (and maybe crash a few cars along the way).!
  • The Sanctuary Breached: Chaos Reigns: Daryl, with Michonne and Tara’s help, executes his plan. They ram the truck into the Sanctuary, creating a massive hole in the wall and allowing the walkers to pour in. The Saviors are thrown into chaos, and Negan’s control over the compound is threatened. Eugene, witnessing the destruction, is torn between his loyalty to Negan and his fear for his own safety. The Sanctuary: where the walls are crumbling (and the walkers are partying).!

Themes and Meanings:

  • Loyalty: The Struggle to Choose: Eugene’s internal conflict highlights the challenges of loyalty in the apocalypse. He’s torn between his desire to survive and his lingering feelings for his old friends. He’s made his choice to side with the Saviors, but it’s clear that he’s not entirely comfortable with it. Eugene Porter: the man who’s trying to find his place in a world gone mad.
  • Leadership: The Art of Persuasion: Rick’s ability to convince the Scavengers to join the fight against the Saviors shows his leadership skills and his ability to inspire trust, even in the most unlikely of allies. He’s a master negotiator, and he knows how to appeal to people’s self-interest and their desire for a better future. Rick Grimes: the leader who can talk his way out of (or into) anything.
  • Risk: The Price of Freedom: Daryl’s reckless plan to breach the Sanctuary is a gamble that could have disastrous consequences. But it also shows his determination to fight for his freedom and his willingness to take risks to achieve his goals. Daryl Dixon: the man who’s not afraid to roll the dice (even if those dice are loaded with explosives).!

Little Details You Might Have Missed:

  • The spiked helmet on the walker that Rick fights in the junkyard is a reminder of the Scavengers’ brutal methods and their unique approach to survival. The Scavengers: they’re not just trash collectors; they’re also fashion designers (of the zombie apocalypse variety).!
  • Eugene’s reliance on alcohol to cope with his guilt and anxiety is a sign that he’s not as comfortable with his new life at the Sanctuary as he pretends to be. He’s trying to numb the pain of his choices, but it’s clear that his conscience is still bothering him. Eugene Porter: the man who’s drowning his sorrows (and maybe his morals) in booze.
  • Dwight’s decision to keep quiet about Eugene’s suspicions of him shows his commitment to the rebellion and his willingness to put himself at risk to help Rick’s group. He’s playing a dangerous game, but he’s hoping that it will all be worth it in the end. Dwight: the double agent who’s walking a tightrope.

Stats and Stuff :

  • Walker Kills: 1 (Rick takes down another spiky walker).
  • Human Deaths: Minimal (but the chaos at the Sanctuary is sure to have consequences).
  • Survivor Count: Stable, and the alliance is growing stronger.

My Final Verdict:

“Time for After” is a tense and suspenseful episode that explores the complexities of loyalty, leadership, and the moral dilemmas of survival in the apocalypse. Eugene’s crisis of conscience, Rick’s negotiation with the Scavengers, and Daryl’s risky plan all contribute to the drama and intrigue of the episode. This is “The Walking Dead” at its most unpredictable, reminding us that even in the midst of war, there’s still room for individual struggles, unexpected alliances, and the occasional dumpster fire (literally and figuratively). What did you think of the episode? Were you surprised by Eugene’s decision? Let’s discuss in the comments! 

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